I’m not really one for making many resolutions come the new year. I always find it a bit stressful to put that kind of pressure on yourself. What happens if you don’t meet those resolutions come the next year? To me, I try to resolve (every day!) that I will live each moment with joy, while also bringing that sense of joy to others around me.
In saying that, there are some particularly inspirational people I look to for some guidance on those days I need a little boost. I figured this was the perfect time to share some of my favourite messages with you in the hopes they can inspire you to live life with joy over the holidays, and for the next year to come!
Happy holidays, my friends. Here’s to a wonderful 2019.
Michelle Obama
“You may not always have a comfortable life, but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”
Dalai Lama
“The important thing is, when you look back at 2018, how would you think about the year you have spent? Would you have a sense of contentment saying that I have lived that year well, I have served the purpose of that year?
When we begin a new year and look forward, we should project our intentions ahead so that we make this year a meaningful one. So that when we turn back to look at it, we can live our life with a sense of happiness and joy. If an individual were to make conscious intention to live his or her life with sense of purpose, live it in a good way, the ripple effect of that really spreads.”
Tom Petty
“I got just one life in a world that keeps on pushin’ me around. But I stand my ground and I won’t back down.”