New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

Every January, we set new intentions on resolutions we wish to make for ourselves in the New year, but what about setting goals for our home? Here are some simple suggestions on making our most crucial sanctuary more efficient, eco-friendly, and beautiful for 2022.

Get rid of the clutter.

This is my fail-safe when I’m feeling unsettled in my home: I streamline and clear my spaces of clutter. By the end of the year, and with the holidays behind us, we acquire an inordinate amount of “stuff,” and much of it will get shoved into storage closets, under beds, and in too many boxes we don’t know what to do with. All of that clutter can make your home feel claustrophobic and disorganized (not the way we want to kick off 2022!), so this year commit to going room-by-room and get rid of anything you don’t use, wear, or want. If clothing is still in excellent condition, consider donating to a local charity of your choice. Facebook Marketplace is also a worthwhile platform to sell (or give for free) any furniture, décor, and home items you no longer have use for. You would be surprised how many people would love the things you don’t want!

Reduce your carbon footprint

Suppose there is anything we need to commit to more fully in the new year. In that case, it’s helping save our planet. Reducing your carbon footprint in your home doesn’t require you to invest in solar panels or buy an expensive hybrid car—you can make small changes that yield a big impact without such extreme measures.  Cut your energy usage by always making sure to turn off your lights when you leave a room; opt to air dry your clothes instead of using the dryer, install LED light bulbs, use compost for your food waste, and wash your dishes in the dishwasher as opposed to hand-washing. You may think you’re more virtuous washing your dishes by hand, but it’s much more wasteful: You use up to 27 gallons of water per load by hand versus 3 gallons with an ENERGY STAR-rated dishwasher. All of these tactics will significantly improve your energy usage in your home, and the planet will thank you for it.

Create a cozier bedroom

‘Tis the season for staying in and keeping cozy, and our bedrooms are the place to unwind and recharge during the cold and dark winter months. To truly make your bedroom a calming retreat, consider bringing in more winter-friendly (i.e., low-light) greenery and plants, invest in soft and luxurious bedding (I love flannel this time of year), and switch out the lighting for vintage blubs that will give your room a warm, inviting glow.

Turn your bathroom into a spa.

A big trend coming out of bathroom décor last year was hanging fresh eucalyptus branches in your shower, and it is still going strong into the new year. Find a bunch from your local flower shop and gather them with twine to hang off your shower head. Once your bathroom fills with steam, it will activate the oils in the eucalyptus, which give off a wonderfully fresh fragrance. I also love lighting candles and buying new towels—it feels so luxurious as if you were indulging in an authentic spa experience at home.

Maximize natural light

We crave natural light this time of year, and we don’t get much of it, so with those sacred hours of sunlight, make sure your rooms are positioned to soak it all in. Position your living room seating near the window and choose window treatments that still allow light to pour into your space quickly.

Bring in fresh flowers.

Such a simple thing, but it is an instant mood-booster. Fresh flowers in your home remind us of the warmer days ahead, but they also bring color, brightening our space and spirits. I love how the scent of fresh flowers—its built-in aromatherapy.

Spend five minutes every night tidying up your space

How many times do you throw your clothes on your chair before you go to bed only to realize days later, they’re still there? Keeping our homes tidy can be done as quickly as five minutes when it comes to keeping our homes clean. Hang up your clothes before bed, do the last of the dishes, fold your towels or wipe down messy surfaces. When you wake up the following day, your home will be clean, and it will feel restful.